"Ascension and the Holidays"

“Ascension and the Holidays”

As the holidays approach, it is very easy for us to focus on what we want for Christmas. We make out a list of what we want and hope that we are given the things that are on our list.  However, at this time of year, it is better for us to focus on giving, rather than, receiving. 

First of all, when we focus on giving, we shift our focus to “service to others” orientation, rather than, “service to self” orientation. When we focus our orientation as such, we may find ourselves focusing in such a way not only during the holidays but also throughout the rest of the year. This shift in orientation eventually leads us to become more light filled, rather than, of the dark. This is not to say that if we ever focus on ourselves that we are of the dark. Sometimes we must focus on ourselves in life. However, if we make a conscious effort to help others unconditionally, eventually we do not need to make a conscious effort at all. “Service to others” orientation simply becomes a part of who we are, and we continue to operate from that orientation. 

Secondly, focusing on giving to others feels good inside. Seeing the joy, happiness, love, encouragement, etc. that we bring to others' lives as a result of giving to others unconditionally can have a positive affect on our wellbeing, as well as, on the wellbeing of others. Feeling good inside may affect our mental and physical health in positive ways and may even raise our energy vibration. When we feel good inside, we treat others better which may lead to the evolution of our consciousness and the evolution of the consciousness of others.

So, let us all focus this year on giving to others, rather than, receiving!

The source of this article:  https://www.the5thdimension.biz